
About DMPonline

Most funding bodies require their grant holders to produce Data Management Plans (DMPs). DMPonline is an online tool to help research teams write DMPs and to easily incorporate institutional resources and reccomendations available to them.

The VU University Library has adapted and customized DMPonline to provide VU researchers with tailored guidance about VU-specific support.

If you need more information about this tool or how to use it, please contact us by sending an email to

Getting Started

When you start using DMPonline, you need to create a personal account. When filling the form, select ‘Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’ as the organisation you would like to sign in with. Make sure to choose a sufficiently difficult password; your account grants access to your data management plans. Note that this should NOT be your VUnet-password!

Once you have created an account, you can also sign in with your institutional (VU) credentials.

Please visit the Help page for guidance on the use of DMPonline.